Sunday, October 11, 2015

Six Months!

Can't believe he is half a year old! So I totally forgot to do a 5 month update! I'll go back and add a post with a bunch of pictures of his 5th month here soon! For now though here's my 6 month old:

Ha isn't that picture great?! Poor kid will kill me someday for posting that! 

Size: Baby Gus doesn't feel like a baby anymore :( Sometimes I'll look at him and think, "Who is that toddler?" He weighs 20lbs 17oz and is 28in long. He wears size 4 diapers and 12 month clothes! I just switched him from 6-9 about a week ago. He really needs to slow down! He grows out of stuff before I can wash it.

Eating: He eats about 8oz every 3-4 hours. We started him on solids at about 3 weeks ago. He eats the heck out of some sweet potatoes and carrots. Just recently gave him some bananas and he didn't care for it much. 

Sleeping: Right after his 4 month checkup he became a horrible sleeper! He would wake up every few hours and wanted to eat. Hello kid! You're not a newborn anymore, knock it off! Right when we went on vacation he got a little better. Russ still had to get up with him around 6am and play with him till he fell back asleep. Come on man, don't you know we're on vacation?! Now he's a champ. 830-8ish. Give or take an hour. Ha. 

Milestones: Just today I put him in his bumbo, went to the bathroom, and when I came back he was out of the bumbo! I was so impressed/terrified! He had the biggest grin on his face like he was trying to say, "Look what I did, Momma!" He also cut two little teeth around 4.5 months. Do not give him your fingers! He will bite! I'm trying really hard to get him to sit up too! It will be sometime this month for sure!

His passy (never a pic without that thing!)
Baby Einstein videos
"Eating his ribs"

Getting into car
Going down for naps
Too much of the same thing
Putting his clothes on

Random pics from my iphone :)
Please excuse my captions. I really can't help myself sometimes...

"Baby Einstein and chill."

"Shouldn't you be cleaning the house, Mom?"

"Fat kid life. Don't hate on my game."

"Mom tells me people pee in there. I'll pass."

Help a brotha

"Is that food?"

Class of 2038 represent

Take my picture mom. I look adorable.

Trust no one with sticks.

My ride or dies

Monday, August 3, 2015

4 Months!

Gus is four months already and like all moms say, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I love this stage he is in now. He's so much more fun and can easily entertain himself (making life so much easier for momma) Thanks dude!

 I've been using that whale up there ^ for his monthly pics because that was Rusty's favorite toy and I love sentimental crap like that ;) Oh and ignore the pattern clash!

Size: Oh my heavens! Listen, I know my son was large and I'm sure you're sick of hearing it by now, but Gus has gotten HUGE! This past month he has grown so so so much! A week ago he had his 4 month checkup and he weighed 17 pounds and 12 ounces -- putting him in the 96th percentile. I don't know what I'm doing! I'm not trying to stuff the kid with food, he just wants his belly full all the time! The doctor said we can start solids, but I don't think I'm ready to start him on fruits and veggies. I have been giving him rice cereal (from a bottle because he hates the spoon -- someone help!) and he seems to be satisfied with that. I still supplement with formula and I've just come to terms with it. Sometimes I feel like I'm being judged for that, but the truth is, I'm trying my best. I mean, the stuff isn't poison ;)

Gus wears half 3-6 month and half 6-9 month clothes. He is in size 3 diapers. 

Sleeping: He sleeps pretty well. About 10 hours and up twice to eat. Naps are all over the place! He usually takes two naps and the time varies everyday.

Eating: *See Size*

Milestones: He has started to babble and it is so cute! He can also roll over from his back to his tummy and basically has full head control.

Being held
His play mat
His toys
Bouncing on Daddy's leg
The TV (oh no!)
The car

An even slightly empty tummy
Tummy time

Love you Gus Gus!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

3 Months Old!

My baby turned 3 months old on July 4th! Can't believe it. His personality is starting to show and he laughs and smiles all the time (never for pictures though ;) One of my favorite memories from this past month was when Russ was holding Gus and we all three laughing at the same time and it went on for a couple minutes. It was pretty cute.

Size: I could't tell ya how much he weighs because he hasn't been to the doc, but I'm gonna say around 16 pounds. (thats from me putting him on a big person scale) He wears size 2 diapers, but is growing out of them. He wears mostly 3-6 month clothing and some 6 month stuff fits him too. He has totally outgrown his 3 month stuff.

Sleeping: He sleeps pretty well at night. From 10:30 - 6 - 9 most days. Sometimes he wants a snack at 4am, but he goes right back to sleep. 

Eating: I still breastfeed him so I don't know how much he eats on average. I'm guessing A TON.

Loves: His toys, his playmat, his mobile, being bounced, carried, eating, the car.

Hates: When he thinks you left him alone, doing one thing for too long.

Friday, May 29, 2015

2 Months!


Gus is two months old and growing like a weed! I can't believe how fast time is going. We had his two month checkup a few days ago and he weighs 12.14 lbs and is 23.5 inches long. He still has his full head of hair and his complexion is getting lighter. His eyes are still that newborn gray but I'll put all my money on them turning brown.  He feeds on demand so no schedule for us. He has kind of created his own nightly schedule though -- change diaper, get in jammies, feed, and sleep. He usually falls asleep around 11 and wakes for a 3:30 feeding and is back to bed till 6:30 when he wants to eat again. Sometimes he can go back to sleep after that, sometimes he can't. I pretty much just go with the flow. He's in charge these days (and he knows it :)

a full tummy
a moving car
his crib
his mobile
his mamaroo
classical music
being cuddled while sleeping
his binkie
sitting straight up

diaper changes
changing his clothes
(he has been better with those ^)
doing one thing for too long
his car seat (till we are moving in the car)
his bassinet
being swaddled

He really is such a good baby and I feel really lucky I get to hang out with him all day!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Birth Story

Before Gus was born I loved to read birth stories. The thought of childbirth scared me to no end and I wanted to be over prepared. I read countless internet articles and a few books, but nothing really prepared me for what I went through. It's a totally different story when it's actually happening to you. To my surprise, I actually enjoyed the experience of childbirth! It was certainly challenging and painful, but it was so rewarding! I wanted to write it all down while it is still fresh on my mind. Oh, and if you get grossed out by things easily I'd recommend that you not read this. Birth is not all that pretty!

So I actually went into labor on April 3rd. I was feeling weird that whole day. I remember walking around Home Depot with Rusty and I felt like Gus was literally going to fall out of me. I could barely walk around. Rusty actually turned around and asked me if I was gonna make it haha. I didn't think much of it because pregnancy made me feel like butt all the time, so we decided to go to Texas Roadhouse for dinner.  I actually started to feel better at dinner and I was up to watch a movie with Russ when we got home. I have been dying to watch You've Got Mail but Rusty doesn't like watching movies he's already seen so we decided on Sleepless in Seattle (same actors haha). Literally 5 minutes into the movie I got this horrible cramp in my back. About 5 minutes later I had the feeling again. And 5 minutes later I had another one..

I had Rusty google to see if my back cramps were actual contractions. Everything that I read said that contractions would feel like a tightening of the stomach so I was really confused. I remember thinking, "please don't let me be having back labor!" The cramps kept getting worse and worse so I caved and called my doctor. "Sounds like you're in labor. I'll tell them you're on your way!" It was that fast, y'all! One minute you're relaxing watching Sleepless in Seattle and the next minute you're in labor.

We arrived at the hospital at 9:30 and by that time my contractions were getting much worse. I had no intentions of getting an epidural. I wasn't a natural birth enthusiast or anything -- I just didn't want a needle in my spine. Well once my parents arrived and saw how much pain I was in they were basically like, "an epidural will be a good idea." You guys, I AM SO GLAD I GOT THE EPIDURAL. Seriously those things are literal heaven. All my pain was virtually gone. People had to tell me I was having a contraction because I never felt any. Seriously, best decision I ever made.

So because I couldn't feel anything I didn't really know how I was progressing. Around 2am or so they broke my water to get things moving. To be honest, from about 1030pm-7am labor was really boring. I watched HGTV the whole time while everyone else slept. It wasn't until 7am that I was dilated 10cm and I started to feel pressure. Now with the epidural, I thought that I wouldn't be able to feel much pain. That was the case up until around 7. The nurse told me it was time to start pushing and boy was I ever ready to push. At this point, I was feeling every contraction.

I pushed from 7am to 9:01am. Pushing was the worst part BY FAR. From 7-9 there was no relief, just constant pain. I remember a point where I told Rusty I couldn't do it anymore, but the nurse and Rusty were so helpful and encouraging. They kept saying how they could see his head of hair and how I only had a few pushes left (they told me I only had a few pushes left for about the whole two hours ;)

Finally I was at a point where they were ready to bring in the doctor to deliver. Once the doc arrived I had to push for about 10 more minutes before he was out. Those 10 minutes were definitely the hardest. I think I may or may not have belted out a scream here or there..haha.

I wish I could fully describe the feeling of seeing your child for the first time. This little baby was growing inside of me for the past nine months! I created a little human! Seeing him for the first time was something out of a dream. I couldn't believe he was MY baby and I get to take him home with me and I get to be his mother. The happiest moment of my life was when they put him on my chest and I looked up at Rusty and he was crying. This was my family and it felt so perfect.

So baby Gus weighed a whopping 9 pounds and 6.5 inches. He was 21 inches long and was born with a head full of hair. He was so perfect. And he is the perfect little addition to our family.

Sunday, March 22, 2015


Well I am officially full term -- hallelujah!! I honestly felt like I was going to be pregnant forever. I still kind of feel that way to be honest. I haven't been showing any signs of labor, although when I went to my doctors appointment last week I was 2cm dilated and 50% effaced.  That was shocking to me since I have felt no contractions and no cramping. The nurse told me that was so great for this being my first pregnancy -- apparently first time pregnancies progress slower? Anyways, she also said that she didn't expect me to make it to my due date! I could hear angels singing when she said that... I am SO ready :) (watch though--I'll go 10 days past my due date haha)

They certainly weren't lying when they said that the last month of pregnancy is the worst. I don't walk, I waddle. I get dizzy and nauseous all the time. I have to get up and go potty every hour. EVERY HOUR. I wonder what its like to sleep through the whole night without getting up.. For my next baby can someone remind me to enjoy weeks 16-28 more? Thanks.

I have been trying to keep myself busy during the day.  Gus's room is almost done! He has a travel themed nursery and I love it! It just needs a few more things to make it complete! I have also been busy decorating the rest of our house. I wanted so desperately to have the house perfect before he arrived, but that is just too big of a task to accomplish. Rusty did such a good job getting the big stuff done before Gus arrived so I really just need to relax and enjoy our bare walls ;)

A few weeks ago, Russ and I got maternity photos done and I am in love with them. I was so worried about how they were going to turn out but they turned out great! I'll post some of my favs down below.

How Far: 37 weeks.

Baby is the Size of: A bunch of Swiss chard? Haha wow -- can someone tell me what Swiss chard is?

Maternity Clothes: This question is laughable at this point. Do you really think I can fit into my size 4 non maternity jeans?

Sleep: What is sleep?

Movement: He moves WAY more then I thought he would at this point. I thought the kid would run out of room to move so much!

Best/Worst Moment of the Week: Best-- going to the doc on Friday and progressing to a 3. Keep opening up cervix, you can do it!

Miss Anything:  Rusty is going and getting me Subway right after I deliver. I was a good girl and ate zero lunch meat during my pregnancy. For those of you wondering, apparently cold lunch meat can contain harmful bacteria so they recommed you avoid it. So obviously I'm super excited for Gus to get here, but I'm also super pumped for a turkey sandwich.

Food Cravings:  I was on a McDonalds kick for a while. I usually turn my nose up at McDonalds but its just been hitting the spot recently lol

Anything make you Queasy: I've been feeling a little queasy, but they say that's normal at this point.

Weight Gain: Remember when I said it was coming? Well, it came. It's all good in the hood though. My doctor is happy with where I am. I have currently gained 23 pounds since I became pregnant. They say for women in good health, 25-35 pounds is ideal. I'll probably end up right in there!

Stretch Marks: Haven't seen one yet.

Happy or Moody: Depends. I get happy whenever I see a box from Amazon at our door ;) Amazon Prime is my BFF.

Symptoms: I really don't want to bore you. I have a lot of symptoms haha

Looking Forward to: Subway...

and Gus of course.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

28 Weeks!

So 10 weeks have come and gone since the last time I updated my blog and to be honest--not much has changed besides the fact my belly grew double it's size!

The biggest news I really have to share is that we decided on a name!

Augustus James Fallon

We have called him Gus for a long time now. Russell has loved the name Augustus since before we even knew he was gonna be a boy. It needed to grow on me a bit, but eventually I fell in love with it. It helped that (most) of my family was really supportive. Apparently the main character in "The Fault in Our Stars" is named Augustus? Yeah, don't care. Never saw the movie, never read the book, it just happened that way. If I have any advice for moms to be it's to not let others opinions get you down. Do you know how many looks I got when I said Augustus? Or Gus even? It was horrible. My favorite thing to say to the people who mention they don't like it is, "have your own baby and name it whatever you want". :)

How Far: 28 Weeks! 

Baby is the Size of: My phone says a head of cauliflower? 

Maternity Clothes: Alright so I caved and got a few maternity things. I really do love all the tops but the jeans..ugh.

Sleep: Off and on. If  I remember to take a Unisom, I'm golden!

Movement: Every morning and every night! He moves like crazy right when I try to go to sleep.

Best/Worst Moment of the Week: Best--I found out today that if he were to be born today, his chances of survival are 90%. But let's just stay put mister!

Miss Anything:  Not having heartburn, sleeping through the night, raw cookie dough.

Food Cravings: I really don't "crave" much! I still like to have Dr. Pepper occasionally

Anything make you Queasy: Not really!

Weight Gain: I 've gained about 5-8 pounds so far. Don't worry, it's coming..

Stretch Marks: Haven't seen one yet.

Happy or Moody: I'm pretty emotional. I pretty flower will make me cry. It's just so beautiful...

Symptoms: Heartburn still. I now have pretty bad backaches too. "Bad" is relative though. I've never had back pain in my entire life so this could be normal to other people. Gosh, I never realized how healthy I was before!

Looking Forward to: Our 4-D ultrasound next week! We can see his little face!